b'Honouring and Preserving the Vedic Tradition of NepalCURRENT BUDGETCurrent Expenses for Gurukuls (in Nepal Rupees)Activity Number Costper Number TotalGurukuls Month Months Amount Monthly Support to Gurukul88US$ 550 12 US$ 580,800Salary of Acharya TM Teacher 88 US$ 250 12 US$264,000Administrative Costs 88 US$ 200 12 US$ 211,200TotalUS$ 1,056,000PROPOSED EXPANSION AND BUDGETThe NMFVC would like to meet this demandcoherence and harmony, which will result in an andexpandto121GurukulsbyDecemberincrease of all positive values in lifenot only 2020.in Nepal and India but for the whole world. Each Gurukul should have at least 25 studentsIn order to maintain quality in the Gurukul to be eligible to implement the programme.programme, an organized implementation and With the completion of this goal, there wouldfollow-up programme must be in place. This be3,025VedicPanditsperformingRudrab- includesacentralizedmanagementwiththe hishek Yagya daily at the same time across Ne- following important elements shown below.pal. This will generate a significant influence of 1. Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course for Acharyas One Acharya TM Teacher is needed in each Gurukultherefore two TM Teacher Train-ing Courses are needed in the upcoming year.2. Annual Conferences of Gurukul Chairpersons Regular communication with the chairpersons of the Gurukuls is essential.3. Transcendental Meditation Teacher Refresher Course for Acharyas Each TM Teacher is required to attend at least one Teacher Refresher Course every year. The TM Teacher gains further knowledge and policy updates.4. Annual Acharya Training Course Acharyas are those who train the Gurukul students and lead the daily Rudrabhishek in each Gurukultherefore we have planned at least one such training per year. 5. Online Video Distance Education Network Reliable communication with all Gurukuls is required for Vedic educators to ensure quality andcontinuing education.15'