b'Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic CultureAPPENDIXCreating Peace, Prosperity and Harmony for Nepal and the World through the Performance of Yoga and Yagya by Vedic Pandits in the GurukulsM aharishihasexplainedthatitisThe mechanics behind this research are simplethrough Yoga and Yagya that the in- thepracticeoftheTranscendentalMeditation dividual life and the life of society can(TM)techniqueanditsadvancedTM-Sidhi be most effectively brought into accord with allprogramme create a more orderly brain func-the Laws of Nature hence allowing harmonytioning,resultinginhundredsofbenefitsto and success to be enjoyed by everyone.the human physiology. More than 40 years of scientific research hasMoreorderlyandcoherentfunctioninghu-establishedthatasufficientlylargegroupofman brains create a more orderly and coherent specially trained Vedic experts enlivening the field of Yoga (Transcendental Consciousness),environmentwhichcanneutralizethebuild can raise the level of coherence and harmonyup of societal stress and tension that directly in global collective consciousness and turn thefuels social violence, including crime, terror-tide towards peace for the whole world.ism and war.Decreased Crime RateIncreased Progress in Cities Towards PeaceTHROUGH TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION THROUGH TM-SIDHI YOGIC FLYINGControls Maharishi 1.25FBI Crime Index crimes/1000 people change of 1973 from 19671972 trend Peace Index (standard scores) 0 Effect 1.00p 10 -19p .005 .75-5.50-10 .25 Control0 Period-.25 Maharishi -15 Effect PeriodMore than 650 scientific research studies, conducted in over 250 universities and institutes in 30 countries, validate the wide-ranging benefits of the Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi programme for mind, body, behaviour, and society. 24'